Advent Devotional by Deacon Mary Stonback: Saturday December 7, 2019

Posted on December 7, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
As a child, I used to avoid going into our home’s basement, especially alone. It was dark, damp and unfinished. Unfortunately, the washer and dryer were in the basement so I would often end up making the trek alone, if a sister or parent was preoccupied. Although I still don’t prefer dark and damp basements, I chuckle when I think about my record speeds to get out of the basement as quickly as possible. It’s not unlike life, really.
There’s a lot that can be uncomfortable to traverse that we may be tempted to want to run away from or avoid all together, like the pain of losing a loved one, facing our failures, or experiencing a loss of a friendship. Still, I’ve learned that leaning into these places of challenge or pain thought prayer, yields a deeper gratitude for life and a trust in Christ that would not exist in the same way, without facing the dark and damp places of life.
When I lean into God’s Word and pray for understanding, no matter what I’m going through, I can trust that Jesus will see me through it. I will still want to and will run at times, but God holds me so that I will continue to grow in His love. May you too be encouraged this Advent season to lean into the everlasting arms of our Lord, who is waiting to see you through whatever you are traversing, especially the dark, damp and unfinished places in your life.
Knowing God, you see us for who we are, beloved. You see us for who we are, fearful children seeking understanding and your peace. Thank you that we can wait on you and trust that your love and grace will continue to guide and surround us through all of life, until we rest with you in eternity.
~Deacon Mary Stoneback