A Film featuring ALC members of The Silent Generation (1929-1945)

Posted on November 4, 2018 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
On Sunday November 4 Ascension Lutheran Church remembered all those living and no longer living with us who have impacted our lives. As a part of our Celebration of the Generations happening at Ascension, we also celebrated a part of the saints among us here at Ascension, The Silent Generation, also known as The Builders, born from 1929-1945. Member from this generation were invited to reflect on what life was like for them growing up and their thoughts on their faith journey. Several of them reflected on camera. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the lives of this special group of people here at Ascension.
This video is a part of the effort happening at ALC over the next several months to celebrate all six generations present in our community. The effort is headed by a team consisting of Elisa Thompson, Jim DeLoughry and Deacon Mary Stoneback and supported by the Board of Lay Ministry and members. The team is dedicated to attending to the spiritual needs of the older adults in our community, and connecting the generations to build relationships, inspire and encourage faith.
Thank you to all who participated in sharing their thoughts on life and faith for this video and the poster boards dedicated to your written responses.
Video produced by Deacon Mary Stoneback. DVDs will be made available, sign-up begins next week. You may also email Deacon Mary at to place your order. Donations welcome to help support future Generation Celebrations.