Seeds of Faith

Posted on August 31, 2017 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
As I entered the hallway to the Children’s Learning Center this early morning, I was greeted by eager hellos and smiles of the youngest of the Center, the Pre-Kindergartners. It’s a new year, with many new faces. As I respond to the kind waves and give my salutations to the children, I realize I am mingling with some special people. These children will grow throughout this upcoming year. The Children’s Learning Center Staff and volunteers from Ascension will help them learn the alphabet, numbers and how to get along with others. With each mealtime prayer, Bible story read and song sung, these children will grow in faith, knowledge and understanding that God loves them so much. If ever there was a place to witness seeds of faith being sown, this was here, I thought, among the littlest. As I prepared to leave, those same enthusiastic waves became hugs of goodbyes. It was a brief visit, yet its impact, powerful. As we transition from summer to fall and vacation to a new school year, may we all remember to keep in our prayers the children, families and staff of Ascension’s Children Learning Center, where seeds of faith are being sown.
Lord, as these children begin this school year, we pray that you…
Bless their talents and gifts with the ability to put them to their best use.
Bless their ears to listen to teachers with respect.
Bless their minds with curiosity and readiness to see and learn.
Bless their eyes with honesty that sees the good and resists the bad.
Bless their hearts with truthfulness, kindness to everyone at school, and constancy in
treating others as he/she would like to be treated.
Bless their arms to reach out as good friends to others.
Bless their faith to know that they are never alone and that You are always with
them… that You’ll never leave his/her side.
Bless their love to follow You with all their heart, soul, and strength.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. (Prayer taken from