Serving Community

Posted on October 7, 2024 | Posted by Pastor Daniel
Fill our your 2025 estimate of giving here!
You are invited to join us in our fall stewardship drive, “Serving Community.” For decades Ascension has followed God’s call to serve others. We’ve been supportive of housing and food for children and families in our area and across the world. For decades, we’ve been committed to serving those with disabilities by partnering with Mosaic. This longevity of service is being recognized this fall as we are being named the Church Partner of the Year. The work of this congregation affirms that God can accomplish more abundantly more than we ask or imagine. (Eph. 3:20)
In 2025, we have two areas where we would like to stretch to continue serving as a community: Faith and Art Camp and ongoing cost increases.
- Children from our congregation and the neighbor have come to know God’s love by creating art at our Faith and Art Camp. In addition to many of our own volunteers, we involve neighborhood adults and youth in leadership. Our Inviting Community Team has challenged us to engage the local neighborhood, and the summer camp does just that. Up to this point we have funded Faith and Art Camp out of special gifts and endowment. We want to have this as an ongoing funded ministry.
- Cost increases: Utilities, insurance and salaries continue to increase in cost. Through your generosity last year, we caught up on salaries. Now we are aiming to keep up.
Specific Goals:
$7,000 Faith and Art Camp
$13,000 Ongoing cost increases
$20,000 Total
In response to God’s blessing, we would ask you:
First, reflect prayerfully on what you might give. Consider your 2024 giving and ask: In gratitude for being blessed, how much more can I give to bless others through supporting God’s work through my church?
Second, prayerfully decide what God would have you give in support of your church community and its mission. Then fill out the Estimated Giving Card you received in the mail and send it to the church in the envelope provided. Contact the office if you didn’t receive a card. You can also complete an online version.
We are so grateful for your ongoing generosity for God’s work through Ascension!