This Little Light of Mine

Posted on September 9, 2021 | Posted by Pastor Daniel
Fill our your 2022 estimate of giving here!
Our generosity is in response to God’s generosity toward us. God has given us our lives and abilities, resources and food. God has sent Jesus to give us a place as children of God, guidance for our lives, and a forever future with God. In knowing God’s generosity, we are generous in supporting God’s call to share the light of Christ in our community and the world.
This Little Light of Mine Goals:
$6250 – Children’s Music ministry
- $5000 to support a Sunday School music ministry, including elementary and middle school aged children.
- $1250 to support a music ministry to the Children’s Learning Center (CLC)
$10,000 – Support for our Ministry Foundations. This includes modest increases in salaries and coverage for increases in fixed costs like insurance and utilities.
St. Paul wrote, “You glorify God by your obedience to the confession of the gospel of Christ and by the generosity of your sharing with them and with all others.” 2 Cor 9:13
In response to God’s generosity, we would ask you to consider three actions:
First, consider what you currently give to Ascension. To meet our goal we need a good portion of you to increase your giving. For example, someone might move from $25 per week to $35 per week.
Second, reflect on these faith questions:
- How does my giving level compare with other ways I use my money?
- How adequately does my offering reflect my gratitude to God for all the blessing I receive?
- How much more could I give if I really wanted to?
- How do the expanding ministries of Ascension encourage me to give?
Third, fill out and mail in the Estimated Giving Card mailed to you and send it to the church in the envelope provided or …
Complete an online version at the following link: