Opportunities for Involvement: Making Face Masks
Posted on May 22, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
LWR has sent out a request for 150,000 fabric masks to help curb the spread of Covid19. These are being sent to communities around the globe that don’t have ready access to water for hand washing or who are unable to physically distance from others because of tight living quarters. Although not as effective as medical grade masks, these fabric masks keep much of the droplets from noses and mouths from being dispersed in the air and spreading the virus.
A $250 Thrivent Action Team grant is being used to purchase supplies such as elastic, sewing needles and thread to make the masks. Anita Arends is kindly supplying all the fabric. Needed: people willing to cut fabric, cut elastic into necessary lengths, people to sew the masks. Donations for purchasing more elastic are also welcome!
I personally feel God has gifted me with sewing skills from classes in grade school in Madagascar, with money to purchase a sewing machine and time to sew. I am glad to use my bounty to bless others. “Freely you have received; freely give.”
We currently have 300 completed masks! Masks are being bundled in groups of 25 and will be mailed to the LWR warehouse in St. Paul. From there, they will be distributed worldwide.
Interested in joining the mask making? Contact Sylvia Holt at 719-360-7202. Or