Visiting Ascension

Join us for worship on Sundays in our sanctuary and online.
SCHOOL YEAR WORSHIP HOURS: 8:00 and 10:30 am, September 10 – May 26
SUMMER WORSHIP HOUR: 9:15 am, Sunday May 26 – September 1
In a world where we are constantly being judged on how well we are doing, worship is our time to re-connect to God who accepts us as we are, even at our worst, and calls us for service in the world.
It would be our privilege and joy to have you visit us for worship. You are welcome to come to the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion. Through God’s Word and at the Lord’s Table we trust you will know that God is with you and loves you unconditionally. If you are new to a liturgical worship service, don’t fear! – the bulletin will lead you through the different parts of the service.
If you would rather join us online, we stream our services live. You are encouraged to have bread and wine or grape juice with you to celebrate communion with us.
Visiting Ascension

A few helpful things to know before you come and visit:
- Worship is at 8:00 am and 10:30 am, and lasts about an hour.
- From September through May we have a Sunday school hour starting at 9:15. Children of all ages are welcome to attend. There are also various adult classes and discussions during this hour throughout the year.
- The nursery can be found by going down the stairway just to the left of the sanctuary, and then turning left on the lower landing. The nursery is open from 7:45-11:45 am.
- Dress however you’d like – just wear something!
- If the main parking lot is full, there is a smaller lot in the back of the church. The lot for the business across Circle Dr. is also available on Sundays.
- All are invited to celebrate communion, including children. If parents feel their child isn’t ready yet, they may come forward to receive a blessing. Gluten-free bread and grape juice are also available.
- Large print bulletins and hearing assistant devices are available, just ask an usher.
- At the start of the service, a worship pad is in each row. If you’re willing, fill the pad out before the start of worship. This helps us connect with newcomers and note if someone has been absent for a while.
- If there is a part of the service that doesn’t make sense, don’t hesitate to ask someone sitting next to you or a pastor.